Sunday, October 20, 2013

Clean Your Brushes!

Many of us are too busy (or too lazy) and neglect our makeup brushes. Bacteria will build up over time and clog your pores leading to all sorts of nasty things, so wash those brushes! I try to wash my foundation, concealer and blush brushes at least every other week. These are the brushes that touch my face so I'm extra careful. Admittedly, my eyeshadow brushes are ignored for longer periods of time.

Here's how I wash my brushes:

1. Squirt a small amount of baby shampoo/wash into the palm of your hand
2. Swoosh your brush around the shampoo/wash
3. Turn on warm water and swoosh brush against your palm until water runs clear
4. Squeeze out excess water from brush
5. Reshape your brush
6. Hang to dry


Be sure to hang your clean brushes upside down so water won't breakdown your brushes over time. For my larger handle brushes, I use a rubber band to hang. For smaller brushes I use a skirt hanger. Voila! Clean brushes for your pretty face.

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