Saturday, August 2, 2014

Jello! Bear on a Beach

As a fun treat, Elizabeth and I decided to be creative with Jello. We've recently enjoyed the beach, so we decided to create a "beach-themed" jello treat. Here's how we did it.

What you'll need:
- clear plastic cups
- Jello powder and whatever you usually use to make jello
- toothpick
- paper and a little artist to draw on the paper
- tape and scissors
- graham crackers
- cake icing
- gummy bears (here I'm using the large ones)

Step 1: Create the ocean.

Put your jello cups in the fridge to freeze overnight.
Optional: Throw a gummy bear into the "ocean" so you have a swimming bear.

Step 2: Create your umbrella.

After decorating our paper with cute pictures, we cut out a circle.

Fold the circle in half again and again until you can no longer do so.

Wrap tape around a toothpick. This will prevent the paper from slipping 
down and hold "open" the umbrella.

Open up the folded circle and poke the toothpick through the middle. 
Wrap another piece of tape around the top of the toothpick to secure your umbrella.

 Step 3: After the jello has solidified, create your beach.

 Create "sand" by crushing graham crackers.

Ensure the "sand" will stay in place by putting cake icing on the surface of jello.
Scoop the crushed graham crackers onto the icing. 

 Using a sharp knife, cut a "slit" in the ocean and push the gummy bear half way in.
Add your umbrella. Voila!